Welcome to My World. Most of the stuff that happens here is pretty weird. Just a bunch of nonsense that comes out of the mind of a teenager with way too much time on her hands. So enjoy reading about video games, music, books, and other stuff that probably won't make any sense whatsoever.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Patrick gets Surgery
Note: This is NOT my YouTube channel, its my friend's but he lets me use it to put a few vids on...he won't care (or know).
NOTICE: This link no longer works. To view this video, click here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kG3lT-ShDco
Thursday, December 30, 2010
How to throw a lightsaber
My picture
NOTE: The origional picture that I traced was them sitting on a hill. I was too lazy to draw it.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Randome Thoughts
You know how some people call their ipod touches their
"touch"? This is yet another demented conversation I've had
In my head:
Person 1: Hey,wannna play take turns playing Angry Birds?
Person 2: I can't. I lost my touch.
P2: No, I mean my iPod.
P1: oh.
Did I tell you all about that Zelda movie trailer IGN made? If I didn't, IGN posted a trailer on April 1st 2008 as an April fools joke- I linked my post about it HERE (second paragraph down). I just thought that out of all the people who saw it, at least one had to be a pro director. Why hasn't this been a real movie yet? They make Resident Evil movies and Prince of Persia movies, why can't Zelda be a movie? CURSE YOU HOLLYWOOD!!!!!!
On an unrelated note, there was a fire truck siren that I heard on the street outside my neighborhood. I realized that I have had 4 different kinds of...er...somthing in my neighborhood:
Swat team (long story)
Cops (for people speeding and stuff-and somthing else, but thats another story. They were also with the swat team.)
Ambulance (I can't remember why, but I saw it)
Fire Trucks (they bring Santa through the neghborhood around Christmastime)
Monday, December 27, 2010
Merry Christmas
We saw an exit for a place called loyalsock ave.
When we were watching The Sound of Music, we were at the wedding part and my uncle said somthing like,"this reminds me of a scene from Star Wars." so we spent the rest of the movie finding things like Star Wars. You had to be there.
Monday, December 20, 2010
And if I offend anyone, I'm sorry.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Merry CHRISTmas!!!
I've been tracing (again!) and drawing and I made a really good one, but you'll have to wait until I have time to take it out of its frame and scan it.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Shopping Trip!
On Saturday, we met my youth group at church and then we all drove to Target. I told my mom I needed a purse to put my iPod and money in (I usually don't use a purse) so she went upstairs and brought one down. It was my Christmas present. Or at least one of them. So far, I've gotten 2 Christmas presents early: My iPod and that purse. But thats beside the point. Before we left, Libby put her hat on and I put on mine, and as I am pretty clueless with fashion, I learned they were called newsboy hats. So we made a nickname for ourselves: The NewsGirls. Anyway, we met our friend Em (she moved REALLY far away, so I don't get to see her anymore) at church and told her about our NewsGirls thing. When we got to Target, Em bought a pink and black hat like ours (she had a lot of money with her). After Target, we went to Wendy's for lunch. I got a burnt french fry. I got one of my friends, Nina, mad at me because I kept shooting straw wrappers at her and then she told us Justin Beiber jokes. Her cousin, Emily, was there and she dissappeared at one point. After that we went to the Dollar Tree and got MORE stuff. I got these really warm socks for myself. Then we went back to church to wrap our presents. Then we went home.
Friday, December 03, 2010
Scaring People
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
@ Panera
LATER: Okay, So I'm not at panera any more, but who cares? I just googled myself (not my real name, but thechumbles). I came up with 5-12 pages of results (The number kept changing). You should try doing it sometime. Oh yeah, and if you google me, heres an explation for everything that doesn't sound like me: That was, like, 3 years ago.
Friday, November 19, 2010
If this happened to me, I would laugh so hard.
NOTE: The only reason I saw this is because I get a GI feed to My Yahoo! page, so there.
Video is pretty funny, to be honest and the comments on it are even funnier. They remind me of my neighbor, who literally buys games to glitch. It's pathetic, and I haven't seen him for how long? A week, maybe? A month? Who knows how long, but seriously, learn somthing from this--don't glitch for the rest of your life, or you will be hated for life. Oh yeah and guess what video game causes the most break-ups? Call of Duty.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
This is an announcement for my school, and somebody screwed up.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
A Day At Work-Episode 7
Friday, November 12, 2010
World Records that make no sense
Just noticed that a bunch of the games never had a sequel (or at least at the time of the list being made). These "series" include LittleBigPlanet (I know theres a sequel coming, but nobody know in May 2010), Pong, etc. Plus there were stupid games like Runescape and LEGO Batman.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Duct Tape Project #1
Monday, November 08, 2010
I've been to the future! Part 4
After running for a while, I wondered, "Why am I running?" So I slowed down to a walk. After walking for a while, I came to a room full of dancing aliens...wait...no that was actually the dream I had last night, I actually walked into a room with...a giant rollercoaster.
"Hey! Get on!" Tyler yelled, as him, TJ, Patrick, and Pablo rode down the humongos hill, screaming. We did like a gazillion loop-de-loops and there were like 400 1/2 inversions! It was EPIC! But anyway, after the ride, the four of us walked down a dark hallway, and then the fixer thingamajig started beeping again. so Pablo pulled it out of his pocket and pointed it into the darkness.
"What's going on?" TJ yelled as we were sucked into some kind of a teleporter and we were back on our street.
"Hey, the fixer is gone!" Patrick said.
"You're right," I replied, "where did it go?"
Then Pablo's Back to the Future side showed again and he said, "It means that the space-time continumm is fixed now, so we can go home.
"Ohhhhhhhhh" we all said.
So we went back to the present/past (well, the present now, but the past when we were in the future). All was well except that that somehow, Tyler lost a finger when we were teleporting, so now Tyler has nine fingers. Oh well. Oh yeah, and Pablo's turned into an alien (see it on his blog, PABLOg). But other that that, we're okay, and nobody died, so its all cool.
The End
Sunday, November 07, 2010
Jellyfish and Double Rainbows
Double Rainbow: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQSNhk5ICTI
Okay, so the video isn't THAT funny, but the guy talking is hysterical.
Thursday, November 04, 2010
A computer that is smart enough to remember where I've been.
All I wanted was a book! |
Wednesday, November 03, 2010
Video Games in court
US Supreme Court hears arguments on California video game law(ITworld)
Supreme Court Case Transcript (GameInformer)
Enemy Of The State (GameInformer) This was in the actual magazine, and it basicly says what the law is about, pros and cons, etc.
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
A Day at Work Episode 6
Monday, November 01, 2010
Election Day
Hello, I'm A-[(insert political office)(insert name)] B-[(insert name) and I'm running for (insert political office)], and I'm here to tell you that I'm sick and tired of these stupid automated phone calls. Thats why when you elect me in (insert number) days, I'm going to stop this. Press (insert number) to show your support for me. If you hate my guts, press (insert number) and recite your current address. I'll see you tonight. Click
Happy Voting!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Black Friday (it's too early, I know)
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
A Day at Work: Episode 4&5
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
I can't think of a title again...
What IS gobo root, anyway? |
OK, so there is this stupid bag sitting in my basement with a bunch of old sheets in it...not that it bothers me, it just bothers me what the bag says on it: "gobo root, vienna sausages & oreos: everything you didn't know you needed."
Isn't that last line doing the opposite of what they're trying to do? If you didn't know you needed it, then you don't need it, and you're not gonna buy it! (Although I could use some oreos...)
Thursday, October 21, 2010
GameInformer & Pokemon
- Somthing like "We hate our children. thats why we let them play pokemon" (Please note this is not the sentence word for word, I'll fix it after I get my hands back on the magazine)
- Something like an analogy between Skittles and the names of the games.
- Somthing about how the games just weren't enough; they had to spawn a TV show (which I agree is horrible) too.
If this post made any sense to you, you're either a nerd, or read this over and over like, 50 times.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
The Great Pumpkin
UPDATE @ 8:12 PM: I got back on with a temporary charactor, so here are a few pics. You still can't log in though...
UPDATE @ 8:35 AM FRIDAY: You can occasionally log on now, but the site keeps undergoing periods of maintainence.
UPDATE @ 9:35 AM 10/20: It is fixed.
Somebody Sure is happy... |
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The Flying Ace Cafe. |
"You killed it!" |
Yes he does, silly! |
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This reminds me of an old game I used to play on a floppy disc when I was little... |
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
For you people who own Pokemon HeartGold or SoulSilver, you can receive a Mew via Wi-fi Mystery Gift. However, it's only level 5. And only knows Pound as a move. But it's a Mew, so that's fine.
Monday night there was this HUGE thunderstorm, and around 4:30 AM, there was this really really REALLY loud clap of thunder. It basicly sounded like someone was bombing our house. My one friend wrote on Facebook that his whole house shook.
Yesterday we were all hanging around outside my house and some guy who knows my other friend asked him where he lived, and my friend says "That house" So then I say, and I was joking, "The purple one" And then the guy thinks that my friend lives in a house that has purple shutters and a purple door. I'm waiting for him to go knock on it asking for Tyler. That would be funny...
Monday, October 11, 2010
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
You get hurt by playing video games?
The article was sorta funny, but read what people have to say about it in the comments! My neighbor threw his PS3 controller at his wall once when he got mad, but all that resulted was a broken controller. Or was it.....
Ooooooooo! Suspense!
Monday, October 04, 2010
Question of the week
"This question is sorta popular: If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?"
The winner is..... ~SoxPaws~ again! The answer was:
"I would....
1. Donate some to those who need it
2. Buy a lot of stuff
3. Use it for good, not evil :3"
Thanks again ~SoxPaws~! This week, we're going to ask you this: "What is the funniest name for a place you ever heard?" I have a teacher who used to live in a place called Townville.
Reamember the screen name rule, and keep on answering! Lets see at least two answers this week!
randome notes of DOOM (no, not really)
Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs launches today... This one better be hard, or else. And it better not be a waste of $35 like some other game I could mention (Spirit Tracks, I'm looking at you).
Yeah, I had fun at Disney World. I died,like, eight times, but I'm still here. Stupid dinosaurs!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
On an airplane, going far, far away.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Question Of the week!
The winner is.......
"I haven't watched a lot of sequals of movies, nor have I played many sequals of games. But, if I had to pick one, it would be Men in Black II. That movie was disappointing. For starters, the girl in the first one that Jay liked made NO appearence in the sequal whatsoever. I could go on listing more reasons, but that would take too much time."
Thanks, ~SoxPaws~. This weeks question is.....
"This question is sorta popular: If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?"
Remember, anyonmys users need to add their own screen name!!!!!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Word Verification
Whenever I have to change my password or comment on this forum, I have to type some nonsensical info like 'orpwsa". Seriously, when today becomes the future, will we have to type in "mosoc" every time we breathe?
Thursday, September 23, 2010
My name is Thechumbles...
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
I've Been to the Future! Part 3
We tried to figure out how the thingamajiig worked, but even Tyler, who's nerdy enough to go to engineering school in 8th grade, couldn't figure it out. Then Patrick threw it on the ground for no apparent reason whatsoever.
"Aw, really Pat? You just had to break that, didn't you? Now TJ is gonna have to buy a new one, and they probably cost a gazillion dollars!" I yelled.
"Actually, I have another one right here. It was a 2-for-1 deal," TJ said. I slapped myself in the forehead.
This one read in big bold letters, "FOR THE TECHNOLOGICAL NEWBIES". Tyler got this one to work easily. He pressed the big red button, and we were all pulled forward by a mysterious force, until we fell in to the soul-sucking void of darkness.
Actually, I just say that to freak people out. What really happened is the thing started beeping like crazy, so we all stared at it like a bunch on zombies and walked forward to where it was pointing. then we fell down a manhole because we were too stupid to look around us as we walked forward. So anyway, we fell down the manhole and hit the ground...er...a pile of pillows and soft fluffiness? I dunno, but it was WEIRD. And that stupid thing was still beeping like a time bomb. "Let's follow the beeping" Pablo said.
"I'm staying right here." I replied. I did NOT want to fall down another hole.
TJ shrugged, "Your loss" he said.
And I waited for them to come back. And waited. And waited. I took a nap. And waited. Until I hear a scream down the tunnel. And It sounded like a girl. "Yup, that's definitely TJ," I chuckled. But it wasn't funny anymore when I heard another scream that sounding like my brother. I ran down the tunnel.
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The Space-Time Continuum Fixer tool thingy |
Monday, September 20, 2010
Question of the week!
And the winning answer comes from.....
Nobody! because there were no answers!
Since I had so much fun with this, and apperently you didn't, I'm gonna make this a weekly occurance until I get bored of it. This weeks question is....
"What was the worst sequel you have ever seen in your entire life and why? Video games, books, movies, practicly anything you can think of."
As before, anyonomys users should make some kind of screen name in the comment.
See you next week with the question of the week!
Oh yeah, on the subject of worst sequels, There was this article I read on IGN today about Metroid: Other M, and I can't say I've played any of the Metroid games before, because that would be lying, but I kinda thought right-ish, I mean really, how do you go from....nahhhhh, I'll let you read the article: Killing Samus
Sunday, September 19, 2010
I've been to the FUTURE! (part 2)
And waited.
And waited a while longer.
Okay, he's here now. He was all out of breath, so Pablo (my brother) asked him, "What happened?"
"Oh yeah, I only got my future self out of trouble" He said
"Aw man, Patrick!" Pablo started, "You broke the space-time continuum!" Yeah, he watched all of the Back to the Future movies. I haven't seen a single one. Kill me now.
So aparently since Patrick had interacted with a another person, he had created two of himself, and if you want me to get technical, I'm highlighting it in green. Think of it as a video game: right now, the future Patrick is "computer controled", while the present Patrick is the "player". Now when the present Patrick grows up, the same instance will happen, which means that then, the past Patrick will be "computer controlled" and the future Patrick will be the "player". Yes, that was supposed to be confusing.
"So what's so bad about that?" Tyler asked.
"WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!!!!" Pablo replied.
Then, out of nowhere, my other friend Tyler came in another time machine. Since I have two Tylers in this story, the one who just randomly appeared is going to be called TJ.
TO BE CONTINUED............
Friday, September 17, 2010
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue team
So here's my question to you: What is the hardest video game boss/challenge you have ever fought/done and why was it so hard? Please list the game as well as the boss/challenge.
Note to anyonymys commenters: Please use some kind of a screen name in your comment.
I will post my favorite answer on Monday, so please comment! this is your chance to be famous!
PS. While I'm typing this, there's a randome bagpipe player somewhere, and he's really annoying.
PPS. Here is a video of the final battle and cutscene on YouTube. Please not that this is NOT my own video. the cutscene starts around 1:30 seconds.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
New blog!
( I woke up EARLY this morning, so yeas, I am going to have randome outbursts again. Thats just the way I roll.)
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
I've Been to the FUTURE...
So yesterday my brother and our two friends were outside, bored out of our minds, when Patrick came up with a great idea, "Why don't we build a time machine?" We all looked at Tyler (he went to engineering school) and he shrugged. But this is the boring part, lemme fast forward a little......
......and there was our time machine. So then we went to the FUTURE (cue suspense music) and I walked to the Gamestop near our neighborhood. Oh snap, we went 20 years into the FUTURE! There was the same old guy, working at Gamestop. So on the shelves, there's this game called Guitar Hero XXX. Really? Ugh.
Then I walked over to Nintendo's section and there's this big poster that says, "Really New Super Mario Bros: WiiDS". I can honestly say that in this one, Mario saves Peach, locks her up in a maximum-security building, kills Bowser once and for all, marries Peach, and they all live happily ever after. Mario must be getting pretty fat, too you know, from all those cakes Peach makes for him. Oh yeah, when you hatch a Yoshi egg in this game, he hops on Mario's back, Mario doesn't just jump onto Yoshi's back like he's the king of the world or somthing.
So after that, I left Gamestop. I was getting a little freaked out by all the, well, futureiness. I decided to walk over to where I lived. I went to my house, there I am sitng down blogging about this blog post (yes, I meant for that to be confusing). I'm a loser in the future. Then I read the newspaper sitting on our doorstep. My brother is a world famous roller-coaster engineer, and I'm some nobody without a real job! Wow. Then I turn to the local news, and guess what? Tyler actually ended up in prison! I mean, we were always joking about it in the present, but this is real. Somehow, he got arrested for playing Call of Duty way to much and is in prison for life. Epic Wow. Epic Fail.
TO BE CONTINUED..............
Friday, September 10, 2010
The Pokemon Musical
Looking Forward: Tribute to the Distraction
P.S. Don't mind my randome outbursts. I woke up at 10:00 AM today. Thats bad for me :).
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
How to let me know you're out there
2. Follow (or stalk) me
In the sidebar, you'll see somthing like in the picture below. If you click the big "FOLLOW" button, you'll be notified every time I post somthing (I think).
Saturday, September 04, 2010
Legend Of Zelda: Perler Beads
EDIT: I have taken the pictures off this post due to the post becoming extremely long. You can now veiw them in the side bar.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Santa Monica Peir
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
I'm Back
Monday, August 09, 2010
Friday, August 06, 2010
Another funny thing that has to do with games.
A few of them are strange, but a few are funny too, like #'s 2, 5, 7, 8 had some funny things, 12 and 13.
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
A Day At Work
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Like 4ever...
So it all started so innocently. I'm in my Graphic Arts class waiting to get my calendar. We were ALLOWED to screw around on the computers (we couldn't do much on them anyway). I am (of all things) looking at LOZ pics on Google (Topeka). Don't ask, 'cuz I can't really remember why either. But one of the first images that appeared in one of the searches looked like a movie poster. Sure enough, It says LEGEND OF ZELDA on it. It's (sadly) fake. IGN (that big gaming site) made a beleiveable TRAILER and posted it as an April Fools joke. The trailer was so darn good, they should just go on and make the movie....DUH! (but to make a point, why hasn't Hollywood tried to get permission to make a movie out of it yet...DUH)
Oh yeah me and my friend are trying to be twins for this one night at my camp I'm going to in August and the only thing we're missing are shorts. WE NEED KNEE-LEGNTH HOT PINK AND LIME GREEN SHORTS!!!
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
Saturday, July 03, 2010
Thursday, July 01, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Gamecube Status: Still need some good games
Sunday, June 06, 2010
The world is messed up
My friend had some kind of a celebration at his school for some holiday (I forget which one). All the people got tiny American flags with a sticker that said "Made In China". Why can't we made our own flags??? WHY NOT???
Thursday, June 03, 2010
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
Monday, May 31, 2010
Pokemon Black and White Part 2
Click here to see legendaries
Click Here to see gameplay video
Click here too see what the Official site has to say
Realease date: Spring 2011
Don't you find it strange that all the new pokemon games are realeased in the spring
Friday, May 28, 2010
No Comment
No Comment
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Cubes and Monsters
Super Mario Galaxy came out on Sunday, which means I have to get my GameCube back SOON! My brother's going to be hogging the Wii for a few weeks, which will mean I can't play Wind Waker. I had one (a gamecube) that I bought for $20 from a friend but them we got a wii and he needed to borrow the gamecube and we never got it back! They're only $30 at Gamestop, and I don't think I'm EVER going to get mine back... :P
Friday, May 21, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
MP3 Player
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter

Thursday, May 13, 2010
Pokemon Black and White
Monday, May 10, 2010
Random note and an Epic Fail
I got a black DSi! Gonna buy a purple alumminum shell for it! Maybe...
Epic Fail:
Seen on a bus driving somewhere: "... see nursing at it's best." Find the Mistake!
A: IT'S is translated to IT IS but what you'd really want to say would be ITS. What's wrong with this world!?

Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
RE: SoulSilver Rating
Join the club...betcha there's one on Facebook (if not I'm making one!!!!)
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Spirit Flute
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Pokemon Episode
In the one scene with the red chain and all that, Dialga looks like an Arceus if you ask me. (which you didn't)
Thursday, April 15, 2010
New sidebars!
"Sweet Songs" is gone, because it was taking too much space.
"Music video of the week" has been added, it links to a youtube music video of one of my favorite songs and will be updated every thursday (if I remember)
"Game Ratings" was added. Somtimes I will put GameInformer Ratings (for games I like) on the list. the will have (GI) at the end of them.
"Stick Person of the Week" I draw stick figures (in Paint) doing randome things somtimes, and have quite a collection. This will also be updated on thursdays.
Monday, April 12, 2010
SoulSilver Rating
8 out of 10!
Positive Comments:
Awesome graphics & sound
GB Sounds/Player rocks!
Pokegear is great
Touch screen PC is finally here!
Negative Comments:
Pokewalker was cool...for a while (until you LOSE it)
Short game (all gyms, etc. in less than a month!)
terrible game corner (am I the only one upset about this?)
Honestly, there wasn't much of a difference between the games; I can catch Ho-oh in SS.
Comment on this post with your own reveiw!
Friday, April 09, 2010
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Goldenrod Game Corner
Sunday, April 04, 2010
Friday, April 02, 2010
Thursday, April 01, 2010
April Fools
Legend of Zelda
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Shiny Pokemon
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Can't Crash
Only a matter of HOURS till March fourteenth, 2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
So enyway, Yesterday me, my friend Patrick and my friend Tyler owned two freak high-schoolers in dodgeball (note: not all high schoolers are freaks. the ones in my neighborhood are...) We played 4 games, winning 3 out of 4. They won once. It was fun.
Oh and by the way, I'm in 6th grade, Tyler's in 7th, and Patricks in 4th. FYI
Monday, March 08, 2010
Even More Randomeness!
5 days and so many hours till March fourteenth! YAY!
Monday, March 01, 2010
More randomeness
Thursday, February 25, 2010
More randome notes
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
random notes
- How come I can spell Extraterrestrial right but not easy words? (see IT'S AN ALIEN post)
- I was reading Pokemon Adventures online (you cant read most of the books in english, but for some weird reason, i an read them online in english) and it was total epicness!
- It's currently snowing outside my house and we have had snow for a few days and now there's MORE SNOW! HOW MUCH IS TOO MUCH (should not not)
So thats all I can think of right now but I'll post again soon!
P.S. you can stalk (follow) my blog if you want...scroll down on the hompage and you'll see somthing.
Added note: The picture below is a scan that sombody did from a book so Thats why theres a random band in the middle.
OH YEAH! and as of this post, I OFFICIALLY HAVE 100 Posts! YAY!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Saturday, January 02, 2010
Has anyone else...