Thursday, October 21, 2010

GameInformer & Pokemon

So yesterday I got my monthly GameInformer (GI) in the mail, and this month, there was somthing about a bunch of video game things that have died. One of them was Pokemon (I don't have the mag right next to me currently, because its in the car, which is at the grocery store). But anyway what it said was a bunch of stuff  like why Pokemon is terrible and needs to DIE (I have to capitalize DIE; see here to find out why). Theres a gazillion things wrong with Pokemon, just like theres a million things wrong with Navi (Link's best friend, my foot). Pokemon used to be fun, but now it's just sad if anyone (at least where I live) sees that I'm playing pokemon. They laugh in my face. Even if they used to think it was the coolest thing. Pokemon lost just about everything right around the FireRed and LeafGreen (Why didn't they make it WaterBlue or somthing). Except for the Pokemon Adventures books. Those are EPIC!  But anyway, here are a bunch of things I remember from the article:
  1. Somthing like "We hate our children. thats why we let them play pokemon" (Please note this is not the sentence word for word, I'll fix it after I get my hands back on the magazine)
  2. Something like an analogy between Skittles and the names of the games.
  3. Somthing about how the games just weren't enough; they had to spawn a TV show (which I agree is horrible) too.
Ugh, I can't remember any more. I'll write more later. Back to my point about writing this. I play Pokemon, and not because its Pokemon; it's just so fun! I've never played a more fun RPG game, and the new versions are looking pretty sweet, (please don't be a waste of money, please don't be a waste of money) I can't decide between getting the black or white version. Help me decide! Now, on, you can write a "Preveiw Buzz", which I would want to write, but I'm too young. Oh well.
If this post made any sense to you, you're either a nerd, or read this over and over like, 50 times.

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