Monday, November 01, 2010

Election Day

As you may or may not have guessed already, I'm cyberschooled (fancy way for saying I do schoolwork at home on a computer). As you probably know, tomorrow we go to vote on various stuff that I honestly couldn't care less about. As you probably have experienced, there are many automated phone calls going around. I made up my own for you to fill in.

Hello, I'm A-[(insert political office)(insert name)] B-[(insert name) and I'm running for (insert political office)], and I'm here to tell you that I'm sick and tired of these stupid automated phone calls. Thats why when you elect me in (insert number) days, I'm going to stop this. Press (insert number) to show your support for me. If you hate my guts, press (insert number) and recite your current address. I'll see you tonight. Click

Happy Voting!