Tuesday, February 09, 2010

random notes

Yo people. I'm kinda bored so I'm just gonna blog a few random thoughts:
  1. How come I can spell Extraterrestrial right but not easy words? (see IT'S AN ALIEN post)
  2. I was reading Pokemon Adventures online (you cant read most of the books in english, but for some weird reason, i an read them online in english) and it was total epicness!
  3. It's currently snowing outside my house and we have had snow for a few days and now there's MORE SNOW! HOW MUCH IS TOO MUCH (should not not)

So thats all I can think of right now but I'll post again soon!

P.S. you can stalk (follow) my blog if you want...scroll down on the hompage and you'll see somthing.

Added note: The picture below is a scan that sombody did from a book so Thats why theres a random band in the middle.

OH YEAH! and as of this post, I OFFICIALLY HAVE 100 Posts! YAY!

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