Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Dear Diary Outfit

Gasp! It's Tuesday, and I'm blogging already?! Don't worry, the Friday post will come on Friday, just like it always does. I just really wanted to share something really quickly with you guys.

Dear Diary outfit on Polyvore
I was listening to the FM Static album Dear Diary today (on my iPod though, since I lent the CD to a friend), and I decided it would be really cool to make an outfit on Polyvore based on the two characters.

For those who don't know, Dear Diary is a concept album, which means it tells a story. Through the songs and the fictional journal entries in the CD booklet, Dear Diary tells the story of a boy, Aero (I promise, that's his name), who moves to a new town, meets a girl who is known as "E.T." throughout the rest of the story, and other events in his life. I'm honestly not sure how to summarize all of, but there's an interview with Trevor McNevan about Dear Diary that I thought was interesting.

With that out of the way, I suppose I should explain the outfit a little bit. Click the jump for more!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Teens and Trick or Treating

I seriously almost decided not to blog this week. I was at such a loss for ideas lately. I got a lot of great feedback on my E-Books post (thanks guys!!), so I'm going to try another interesting topic like that. It just came to me right now as I'm writing this. And with Halloween right around the corner, I think it's appropriate: Teenagers and Trick or Treating.

From what I can tell, a lot of people think anyone over the age of ten should be banned from trick or treating on Halloween. And this is going to sound cynical, and I'm sorry for that, but who's going to stop me? Am I going to be arrested because I'm fifteen and I asked someone for candy?

Alright. That's enough of that.

My mom and I were actually talking about this recently, because I told her I was going to go trick or treating this year. Then we started talking about how old someone can be before it's unacceptable for them to go door to door for candy. We came to the conclusion that it didn't matter how old you were, as long as you were dressed up and said "thank you," you could get all the candy you wanted.

Click the jump to read more!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Don't Judge a Book by its Cover (But You Will Anyway)

Gosh... I couldn't think of anything to blog about this week. For once, I'm at a loss for words. I guess I'll just keep writing and see what happens!

Well, last Tuesday (the 8th), The House of Hades FINALLY came out! If you don't know, it's the fourth book (or "penultimate" - second to last (yes, I learned that word when the book was released)) in the Heroes of Olympus book series, which is an extension of the Percy Jackson & The Olympians series."Maybe I'll review it sometime, but right now, it's so new and I don't want to accidentally spoil anything. I think it's safe to say that it was a great book though. I can't believe I have to wait another year for the next one. Oh, and I also think it's safe to post the dedication of the book:
"To my wonderful readers:
Sorry about that last cliff-hanger.
Well, no, not really. HAHAHAHA.
But seriously, I love you guys."

That really made my day when I read it. Probably the best book dedication I've ever seen (so far).

On that topic, did you know there's a book coming out called Percy Jackson's Greek Gods? You can read more about that here. Oh, and the cover is pretty!

You know what? I'm going to talk about book covers, at least to start off. I don't know why, but I need something to talk about. It's Thursday night as I'm writing this, so I got a little desperate. Anyways, click the jump to read more about books and covers!

Friday, October 11, 2013

E-Books Don't Smell Good (But They Are Convenient)

Reading Only the Good Spy Young
on my iPod touch

Lately, I've been reading the Gallagher Girls book series by Ally Carter (great books, by the way. Like Alex Rider, but more for girls). I had just finished reading Don't Judge a Girl by Her Cover, and went to the library to get the next few books. However, much to my dismay, there were no more Gallagher Girls books on the shelf. After researching the four libraries I have cards for (yeah, I know it's obsessive), I learned that only one library had the next book, Only the Good Spy Young, and it wasn't going to be available until the end of October! Desperately, I tried to find another way to read the book. I soon came to the conclusion that the only way to continue the series was to use a new technology, foreign to me.


(You can all gasp in horror now)

I'll be honest: the E-Book experience wasn't all that bad. At first I was pretty nervous because I was reading from my iPod touch. I don't own a Kindle or a Nook or a whatever. All I had was my iPod and its rather small screen. And then I remembered that I read other stuff on my iPod all the time (articles on the internet, stories I've written with friends, etc), so I figured it wouldn't be too terrible. And I was right. After the jump, you'll see that I wrote a PROS/CONS list for E-Books (like Cammie Morgan does all the time). So read on!

Friday, October 04, 2013


Whoo, another Friday post! I'm so proud of myself!
My Thalia Grace outfit

Anyway, happy Friday everyone! I hope you all had a good week. So anyway, I'll be honest with you, I had no idea what I was going to talk about this week until I decided I could share my Polyvore creations with you guys. I know it's kind of a random topic, but it is a topic. If anyone has any suggestions on what I should post about next, leave a comment! I read all of them.

Alrighty then, for those of you who don't know, Polyvore.com is a website where people create different collages using the internet. Many people (including me) design outfits with it. I actually found it through the blog Console to Closet, which features outfits based on different video game characters. You should check it out, while you're here. It's an awesome website, and the ownder does a great job with her outfits.

I haven't tried any video game outfits yet, but I have made some outfits based off of book characters. Right now, I just have Percy Jackson characters, but I'm thinking of doing one for Alex Rider. Oh yeah, and I've done some for my own characters too. Anyway, you can check out my profile and see all the goodies, but I'm gonna post some more images after the jump, so click that "More" button to see them!

Or, if you don't that's fine too. Anyway, see you next Friday!