Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Generic News and Thoughts That I Think You Should Read Even Though You're Supposed to be Working or Something

Longest title in the history of mankind. Score!

Aaaaand moving right along.

So I'm still trying to get used to the new Blogger interface... I tried to hang on to the old one as long as I could, but I guess this isn't as bad as I thought. Just... I dunno, different. But not like completely alien. It sorta has this Google Docs-ish feel to it, and I happen to use that thing a lot. But anyway, if this thing looks like freakishly formatted, that would be why.

And I'm gonna keep jumping from topic to topic because I can get away with it. I asked my friend the other day if she thinks I have ADD, and she says, "Without a doubt yes."

Next topic of discussion: Music! Yeah, so hopefully you've listened to "Call You Out" and liked it. If you did, I have good news for you! "New Horizons" (the entire album) is going to be realeased on Tuesday, October 30! EXCITED!!
And also, Thousand Foot Krutch finally released their remixes for "Light Up The Sky" and "Let The Sparks Fly"! You can download them here. And while I'm talking about TFK, I would so kill for a wristband that says "Be The Change". Note to self: write TFK an email.

Yes, I've been having an obsession with wristbands lately. I had an OCD moment the other day when I went to my friends' School of Rock show and bought a wristband there. And then I realized I could put wristbands on both of my hands. *slow, sarcastic clapping*.

So yes, there is more still! Click the jump to read it!
You know how tempting it is.
Just click it.

Yay! You clicked the jump!

Let's see, where did I leave off... Oh! Music. Right. Well, putting that aside, I got this genius idea (cue surprised gasps) the other day as I was reading. Maybe I could possibly do something like a book review. Y'know, cause I read. Don't give me that look.
ANYWAY, I thought it would be a pretty neat idea. So I'm tell you about this radical idea called commenting, and you can voice your opinion. I'll probably end up doing it regardless, but I want to see what people think. And I'm also curious to see if anyone actually reads this blog or not.

Last thing: I read a review for Pokemon Black 2 & White 2 on GameInformer.com, and the writer mentioned something about how the new Pokemon are just so... complicated now. Don't believe me? I'll give you an illustration.

Let's be typical, shall we?

And then there's THIS thing!
I mean, what the heck IS is?!
Okay, so I won't tell you who's on the left. And I can't tell you what the one on the right is to save my life. But I mean, look at them! I mean, you look at Pikachu and it's relatively simple compared to... whatever that thing is. Seriously, as my brother says, Pokemon is running out of ideas. Oh, yes, while we're here, I thought I'd mention I didn't buy either of the new games. I didn't even know the release date.

I lied. The last thing is that you should check out my little bro's origami blog,
Mind-Blowing-Easy-As-Pie Origami. Do it now.

And that's all for now! Until next time!

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