Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Guys, I'm in Denial

I feel like someone broke up with me. I guess that's one way to put it. I don't know if I can handle it, I'm not sure what to say. Last night, I did my sneaky thing and checked all of my favorite band's Facebook pages, and one post caught my attention. "ANNOUNCEMENT from Flyleaf." Of course I clicked on it.
Geez, I was so unprepared for this:

Click the jump for the rant!

And so there I was, staring at my computer screen in disbeleif. In all honestly, I kept muttering "It's not real" to myself. But, as unfortunate as it is, this is all true. I think I almost cried. Almost.
So what's my first reaction? Well, first meaning after I shouted at the computer and started denying everything. I sent the link to my friend. And then there was the unavoidable conversation of how this can't happen and why she would do this and how good they are/were. And then the fact that I was dead set on seeing them live and just having that experience. I mean, "Cassie", "Swept Away", "Breathe Today", "Sorrow", "Justice and Mercy" would be just... mind blowing live. And I was shocked at how they could just replace Lacey like that. She is irreplaceable.

The band Vedera. The girl in the front
there is Kristen May.
I mean, I will still probably listen to Flyleaf. They've been one of my favorite bands ever since I really started listening to music. But now this new singer, Kristen May (formerly of the band Vedera), is just very... I honestly don't think she's a good fit for Flyleaf. She has a pretty voice, I'll give her that, but I don't think it goes with Flyleaf's metal sound. Okay, you just can't replicate Lacey's voice. It's very unique. So I listened to some Vedera on YouTube, and right now, I'm thinking that Kristen would fit better in a pop band, not something like Flyleaf. But maybe she will change. I don't know, you guys be the judge.
My worst fear is this: That Flyleaf turns into a girly pop band. The day that happens... I don't even want to think about it. But it's only an if. If Flyleaf goes pop. If this happens. But still... ugh, it's nightmare triggering. But thank goodness it's only an if.
One last thing: I watched the music video for "New Horizons" again, and I noticed something: Near the end of the video, when Lacey's with her husband and son, there's a breif shot of a microphone in the room the band was playing in, but there's no one behind it. I just wonder if that meant anything.

Okay, enough for now. Lacey, we will all miss you :(

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of a comment John Lennon made when his band broke up -- paraphrased and to the best of my memory -- "it's just a rock group breaking up -- it's nothing important -- you have the records there if you want to reminisce..." Small consolation to loyal fans like you, but sometimes this happens.
