I'm actually not sure if I've mentioned this before, but I'm a cyberschooler, and I have been ever since kindergarten. If you're unfamiliar with that term, it basically means that I go to a public school, but I do at home from my computer. I have online classes to be in at certain times, I have assigned things to read and projects to work on just like any other high school student. Except for the part that, well, I can do it in bed.
So this week I have the pros of being cyberschooled. Next week, the cons. Simple idea, right?
1. Sleeping in
Alright, so you don't get to sleep in as much as traditional homeschoolers might, but it's still quite some time longer than kids who go to brick-and-mortar schools do. I have an online class I have to be in every morning at 8:10, Monday through Thursday. I usually wake up around 7:30, which is about the time my brother (who attends the local public school) has to get on the bus. So, going off of that, I tend to get an extra hour or so of sleep.
2. Flexible Schedule
Like I've said before, I have online classes that I needed to attend at certain times of the day. Despite that, I still have a rather open schedule. I can decide when I want to work on my algebra problems, when I want to work on my Spanish lesson, and when I want to read for English. Also, if I have something to do one day, like if I have to go out for a day, I can rearrange my schedule so I get more of my work done before I have to leave. I can also decide to work on things later in the day, if I have something to do in the afternoon.
3. My Own Working Environment
It may seem a little bit silly, but one of the huge benefits of cyberschooling is that you can do your schoolwork in a custom environment that works best for you. With me, I like to have music on while I work on some projects, I have my own space heater. I have two desks, one for my computer and printer and one for my textbooks and notebooks.
Of course, there are more benefits as well, but these are the three most obvious ones. So that's about all I have to say now, I'll be back next week with Part 2!
Maybe I should go back to cyberschool...