Monday, May 07, 2012

Stupid Annoying Flyleaf Fans

Disclaimer: I do not hate Flyleaf fans (if I did, that would be ironic, considering I am one). I'm just kinda in an annoyed mood with a few of them who... well, you'll see...

So since I'm too lazy to purchase music on iTunes, I like to listen to songs on Youtube. And sometimes, I get a little bored, and sometimes, I read comments on the video. There's nothing wrong with most of the comments. Some of them like to start arguments about religion though, which is a topic I'm not going to get myself into. (Flyleaf is definitely a Christian band, END OF DISCUSSION!) Sometimes, there's actually people trying to be helpful, and they post their thoughts about what the song means, either in general or what it means especially to them. There's nothing wrong with that either. It's just that some of the comments really, really bug me.
For example, a lot of the people trying to be helpful often say things like, "I think this is about Lacey's..." or "I think this is about this that happened in Lacey's life..." and so on and so forth. I mean, yeah, there are a lot of songs that have been inspired by her (she's the lead singer, by the way), like "Treasure" was about her engagement and "Beautiful Bride" had to do with something in her family, but not EVERY SONG is about her. I just wish these people would realize that this band isn't about Lacey, it's about James, Sameer, Jared, and Pat too. This isn't some pop culture band where everything revolves around the lead vocalist. I'm not saying that there aren't a number of songs based off of her experiences, but they way that some people put it, it seems like Lacey is the most important. But what if there wasn't a guitar? Or bass guitar? Or
drums? You see what I'm trying to point out here? Everyone in the band is important!
Okay, so I think that's it for my Flyleaf rant. Hopefully that made at least some kind of sense. If it didn't, then you just wasted a few minutes of your life. Sorry to make you suffer through that, but it had really been bothering me for a while now. Okay. Done ranting. Go back to reading now.

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