Happy Friday! This week, I have a sort of book-review type of thing, except this time, I'm reviewing an entire series. The Gallagher Girls books by Ally Carter has recently become one of my favorite book series, and I've pretty much been dying to talk about it.
So, a short summary: The Gallagher Girls books take place in a small town called Roseville, Virginia, at a school known as the Galllagher Academy for Exceptional Young Women. The stars of the series are Cammie Morgan, Bex Baxter, Liz Sutton, and Macey McHenry, all of them spies-in-training. Other characters include Josh Abram, Zach Goode, Rachel Morgan (Cammie's mother), and other side characters.
Since the Gallagher Girls is composed of six books, it would be hard to rate the entire series. However, you can click the jump to find out more of what I have to say about the books!