So, a short summary: The Gallagher Girls books take place in a small town called Roseville, Virginia, at a school known as the Galllagher Academy for Exceptional Young Women. The stars of the series are Cammie Morgan, Bex Baxter, Liz Sutton, and Macey McHenry, all of them spies-in-training. Other characters include Josh Abram, Zach Goode, Rachel Morgan (Cammie's mother), and other side characters.
Since the Gallagher Girls is composed of six books, it would be hard to rate the entire series. However, you can click the jump to find out more of what I have to say about the books!
Alright, I'll admit it: I've pretty much loved spies, detectives, and secret codes ever since I was in elementary school. (Jigsaw Jones, anyone?) I don't know why, but the whole thing is just really intriguing to me. The Gallagher Girls books are no exception.
Recommended for:
If the name "Gallagher Girls" wasn't a big enough hint, the series is definitely geared towards teen girls. Despite the awesome covert operations stuff and all of the cool spy things, girls will be girls. That is, there are many parts of the series with girl-boy drama/romance/nonsense. As for age range, probably the typical YA book, about 14+
The Books
So here I have a little summary and rating of each book in the GG series if you'd like to take a look.
I'd Tell You I Love You, but then I'd Have to Kill You - 3.5/5 stars
PROS - Attention-grabbing. The CoveOps exercises were the best.
CONS - Josh/Cammie-ness. Just stop.
Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy - 4/5 stars
PROS - Zach Goode. Plus, the girls' reactions to the Blackthorne Boys were amusing.
CONS - Still no overall goal to be achieved, which is fine. It's more of a personal thing, I guess
Don't Judge a Girl by Her Cover - 4/5 stars
PROS - The suspense. And Aunt Abby is awesome (alliteration not intended)
CONS - Not much to say here, actually.
Only the Good Spy Young - 5/5 Stars
PROS - Everything. Zach and Joe Solomon's relations to a certain terrorist organization especially.
Out of Sight, Out of Time - 5/5 stars
PROS -Watching Cammie unravel the mystery of what happened over the summer was really fun to read.
CONS - The memory-loss stories have always bugged me. It's not a bad thing, really, I just have a love/hate relationship with them.
United We Spy - 5/5 stars
PROS - Seriously, I couldn't ask for a better conclusion to the series. I loved it so much.
CONS - It's the end of the series!!
So I was going to say more, but I think that's enough for now. Anyway, I would reccomend this book series to any of my friends in a heartbeat, and I really encourage you to give it a try! Thanks for reading!
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