Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Creative Wednesday

Alright. First, I apologize for not posting this past Friday. I have no excuses - I just couldn't think of anything. To make up for it, I'm going to introduce a new thing for every week (or every other week, depending on how it goes) called Creative Wednesdays.

Click the jump to read my brother's poetry!

Creative Wednesdays is a feature where I showcase the creative endeavors of a person. This person will be a reader of this blog, or someone that I know personally. If I can't find anyone, then you'll probably get stuck with me. Now, I know you don't want that, so that's incentive to ask about being featured! More information at the end of the post.

This week, I have some poetry my brother wrote. He was nice enough to let me post his writing last-minute, which is awesome. Click the jump to check it out, and find out how you can get featured on my blog!

Worth it
By Paul

Who likes to lose? 
No one I presume.
Everyone likes to win! 
That's what I assume.

But losing isn't so bad, right?
Is losing what we need? 
The truth is, I'd rather lose
Than be full of greed.

Lose in how we learn;
How we prepare for what's ahead.
I'd rather lose and work hard
Than win and be spoon-fed.

But if I could win just a little bit more
Or maybe just settle the score,
All those times I lost before
Would be worth it all the more.

The Wonders of Space
By Paul

How can I fathom the wonders of space?
How do the planets orbit with such grace?
Mercury, Venus, Neptune, and Mars
Can't measure up to the trillions of stars.
Black holes! Nebulae! And the sun that lights the day!
Not to mentions the galaxies light-years away!

So that's his poetry! I hope you enjoy it!

Anyway, what do you think of Creative Wednesday? Should it be an every week or every other week thing? Do you like the idea? Let me know in the comments!

Also, if you're looking to be a part of Creative Wednesday, shoot me an e-mail at I'll take anything, really: writing, artwork, music you've written, crafts you've designed, photos you've taken, anything at all! I hope to be hearing from you!


  1. Awesome, I love poetry! Great work Paul! c:

  2. You have a way with words, Paul. Really excellent! Thanks for letting Maggie post these.
