Saturday, March 05, 2011


Hello readers! I'm sorry I haven't been posting lately things have been pretty boring/busy on my end, so I'm sorry. Anyway, heres some somewhat exciting newa for you:

Tomorrow Pokemon Black&White come out! I'm sooooo excited! My buddies and I are gonna be playing them ALLLLLLL week (note: Xeon, you had better get the map). I'll write more about that in a few days, if not tomorrow. Oh yes, my neighbor got banned from Call of Duty: Black Ops because he hacked to get something like 15 presteige. Whatever that means. His friend got his whole PS3 acount banned for hacking. He's kind of a jerk anyway, so this gives me somthing I can tease him about (he ALWAYS says "you're jealos of my jailbroken ipod, and its obnoxious).

Well, thats about it. Talk to you peoples soon!

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