Wednesday, May 29, 2013


The other day I was called a "bookaholic," and I wasn't sure whether to take it as a compliment or an insult. Whatever it was meant as, it got me thinking that my little blog could use some love, and what better topic to talk about than books? Exactly. There is nothing better. So be prepared to read about books and my obsession with them.

Alright, so I guess I'll start with what I've been reading lately. A couple of weeks ago, I read Define "Normal"  by Julie Ann Peters. It was a pretty good read actually, and not what I expected. The main characters are two girls named Antonia (who seems like the stereotypical "good girl") and Jazz (who seems like the stereotypical "punk girl") who are forced into this sorta peer counseling thingy at their school. And if it's starting to look like one of those "becoming friends against all odds" stories, it's different than that. But if you want to know more, check it out on Goodreads (see the link above). Better yet, read the book!
What else have I been reading... well, other than re-reading a number of Percy Jackson books (we'll get to that later), I read Independence Hall by Roland Smith, the firs in his I, Q series. It wasn't exactly my favorite book of all time, but it was good enough to hold me over until I went to the library next. I picked it up at a used book sale for a dollar or two, so it was worth the price I paid. Anyways, it's about a guy named Q (short for Quest) and his step-sister, Angela. It's a little harder to explain in a few sentences, but I will tell you that there is spying involved, so if that sounds good to you, check it out on Goodreads too.

I guess I'll keep talking. If you want to hear me talk (obsess) more, then click the jump!

 Okay, besides Define "Normal" and Independence Hall, I haven't read anything new. I have, however been re-reading a lot of the Percy Jackson books. I borrowed The Titan's Curse from the library (basically just so I could read the part about the dam again), and my friend let me borrow her Heroes of Olympus books so I can fangirl over them too. I'll try not to go on and on about these books, but I really love them (in case you couldn't tell). One of these days, I should dedicate an entire post to the Percy Jackson series's (or however you're supposed to spell that). As side note, I found a pair of owl earrings in my room as I was getting ready for church on Sunday and absolutely positively had to wear them. First person who tells me why gets a cookie.

One last thing: bookstores. The same Sunday that I found the owl earrings, I went to Barnes & Noble for... a certain reason that I won't explain right now. Anyway, I don't know about you, but I always feel so at home at bookstores. It's just... ALL THOSE BOOKS. I love being at bookstores or libraries. I wish I could be there all day long and just read all of the books. And have you ever noticed how brand new books have that kind of "new book smell"? If you don't believe me, go to a Barnes & Noble and try it. It's my favorite smell in the entire world, besides Island Margarita hand sanitizer and Japanese Cherry Blossom lotion (they're from Bath & Body Works).

That's probably enough book obsessing for one day, huh? Sorry if it was annoying, but then again, you're the one who chose to read it. Well, I hope you enjoyed anyway, and I'll be back to blog later!

WAIT, I just remembered something. These two pictures below are from my personal book collection in my bedroom. I really need a new bookshelf, but this is what I have. The picture on the left has My Alex Rider books by Anthony Horowitz and The Kane Chronicles trilogy by Rick Riordan. The picture on the right has: Magyk and Flyte by Angie Sage, Independence Hall by Roland Smith, Inside Out by Maria V. Snyder, Hatchet by Gary Paulsen, The Sea of Monsters and The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan, the graphic novel for Eagle Strike, Hyrule Historia (it's about Legend of Zelda), and two Maximum Ride books by James Patterson.

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