Tuesday, April 03, 2012


I am so proud of myself. I just came up with a title for one of my stories I finished recently. It's that "romancy" story I wrote in February for my writing challenge, and I finally came up with something that I like and think I might keep.
You see, I have this problem with names and titles. I mean, I even have trouble coming up with titles for these blog posts! And don't get me started on character names; those can take me weeks to decide on permanently. So I guess it's safe to say that I was pretty excited when I came up with this title and I liked it instantly.
So how it happened: I was Googling (actually I was Yahooing because Google's acting weird on my computer) tips for coming up with title ideas, and one stood out to me. Take an existing expression, and twist it around a little, make it a play on words. So one thing that came to mind later on was internet memes. The first one that I come up with: "The cake is a lie," from the original Portal video game. Yes, I'm a bit of a geek. Anyways, the point of the story I wrote was pretty straightforward: There's a guy, and he's pretending to date this girl so that this other really annoying girl leaves him alone. Complicated, and yes, very cliche. But then I was thinking "y'know the cake is a lie... cake kinda sounds like date... The date is a lie! Ohmygosh!"
Yeah, so something good came out of my geekiness

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