I apoligize for not posting about this sooner, my days got pretty busy. Anyways, last Tuesday (April 17) Thousand Foot Krutch (TFK) released their new album which you probably heard about if you've been following my rencent blog posts. It's called "The End is Where We Begin", and I got it the
day after it came out. I dragged my family out to Best Buy to get it. It is honestly an awesome CD. It takes a little bit of getting used to the more rap style of some of the songs, but they're all great. My favorite songs are "The End is Where We Begin" (4), "Be Somebody" (7), "Courtesy Call" (9), "War of Change" (10), and "Fly on the Wall" (13). I really like them all though.
Anyways, that's about all I have to say. Oh, and I updated some stuff on my "Writing" page, so be sure to check it out! And there's more pics of the CD after the jump!
The CD case opened all the way. |
The brand new TFK logo, found on the
inside of the CD case. |
The actual CD and the booklet. |
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