Monday, November 21, 2011

Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Okay, well if you've been paying attention to anything I've said for the past 6 months, you know that The Legend of Zelda (LoZ): Skyward Sword was released yesterday. I got it. I got a CD. I got a gold colored Wii Remote. It's shiny. And sparkly. And all Zelda-y. I love it. All of it.

Well, currently I'm at the first boss of the game. Skyward Sword isn't exceptionally hard, but the controls take some getting used to. Once you get into it though, you'll be pressing buttons and swinging your sword like you've been doing it all your life.

Anyways, I'm planning on writing a tiny little pointless reveiw after I get deeper into the game. So far though, so good. Seriously. I find almost no flaws. Except for when I can't do a forward stab or a skyward strike. Other than that, everything is working fine. Even Fi (your sword's spirit-ish) isn't as annoying, and her tips are actually helpful.

Also, I mentioned that all copies of Skyward Sword come with a LoZ: 25th anniversary music CD. It's awesome. Although I'm not exactly a fan of that kind of music, if it's related to Zelda, and it's free, it's gonna be awesome.
Ballad of the Goddess (Skyward Sword)
Wind Waker Symphonic Movement (Wind Waker)

And if it means anything to anyone, I swear Fi is Zelda's version of GLaDOS. Without all of the sarcasm and murder, of course. But the way they talk is so alike. I'm not joking.
And Zelda herself reminds me of someone...

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