Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pokemon Adventures Image

Hm, well it's a little project I've been working on, just because I wanted to. If you've read Pokemon Adventures (I bet you haven't) and you read chapter 180, you probably saw this very nice picture at the end of the chapter. I found a very nice scan of it and decided to put it in color. So here's what came out of it. Basically, I put the original image into GIMP and retraced all of the outlines. Then, I just used the paint bucket tool (my favorite) and filled it in. So enjoy.

NOTE: I did not draw the original image. The original image was drawn by Satoshi Yamamoto, the illustrator for the Pokemon Adventures manga.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

National Writing Day

Hey, guess what today (October 20th) is? National Writing Day! Well, it's got some other fancy name, but basically, that's what it is. Don't even get me started on how I know.

Haha, well, since it is National Writing Day, you should be writing! Just because you can! Seriously, it's a lot of fun to do. Oh, if you need something to get you started, use this as your first sentence.

As the credits rolled in the nearly empty movie theatre, two teens watched with satisfaction. But little did they know that the story was just beginning.
So have fun! If you do end up writing anything, send me it in an e-mail if you want. (

Monday, October 17, 2011

Drawings Glog

Well, I was meaning to get to this at some point. This afternoon, I made a glog with my drawings and other "artwork" on it. You can click the link below if you want to see it.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Soda tabs and things like that

I don't know if I've said anything about this, but I've been collecting soda tabs. They're those little thingys you use to use to open the soda cans. Anyway, I've been collecting them and I put them all on this chain thing and wear them as a bracelet. The other day I filled up one chain to the point where it's a pain to get on and off, so I had to start a new one. I currently have a total of 116 soda tabs. I have 100 on my full bracelet (pics after the break) and 16 on my new one.

Well, other than this nonsense, youth group last night was AWESOME!! Too bad it rained though, because I was dying to play man hunt outside. Oh well, maybe next week. The games we played inside were fun, we played Zonk and Charades. Yeah, my friend Tyler came along too, and I'm really glad he did, cuz apparently, he's going to be going to a different church soon and we'll all miss him. Speaking of missing people, my BFF Libby came back last night (Yay!!) after being absent for two weeks (AH!) due to sickness. We all missed her sooo much!

Um, let's see, is there anything else I can blog about? I've been trying to write, but I'm still having a block. Take my word for it, it's NO fun. I ran around in the rain last night like a moron (because I am). Uh... and I drew some more Pokemon Adventures stuff (Gold & Silver) and one of them actually turned out rather decent.

So that's pretty much it, click the break to see a pic of my bracelet.

Friday, October 07, 2011

I'm Still Alive

No, I didn't die, I just haven't had anything to really post about. So since I am kinda bored (and you must be VERY bored if you're reading my blog) I'm just gonna write at random, post a few pics, etc. Enjoy yourself.

In English class, we had to do an assignment that involved designing something. Fun. So one kid asked, "Can we use GIMP?" And of course I was thinking, "What's GIMP?" So eventually, I figured out that its a "image manipulator" and I've been using it to make some of my drawings look a little more presentable. Like this: Crummy Drawing + GIMP = Somewhat Better Drawing.
Yeah, so you can enjoy those after the break.

You want more? Well, okay then. I've also been writing a little bit lately. Random fictional stuff, y'know? Cuz I don't have much else to do, except for living a second life in Wind Waker. But oh well, it is turning out pretty well, If I do say so myself. If you want, you can read some in this google doc I just made up.
Click here for some random writing

Well, there isn't much else to write about, except that last weekend was AWESOME! I had a sleepover with my BFF at her house, and we stayed up until... uh... maybe it was 2am? I dunno. But I had a blast with her! Thanks Libby!

So that's all now, I hope you enjoyed this random stuff.