Sunday, January 01, 2012

Long Time No Post!

So the crazy, hectic, yet awesome Christmas season is finally over. I have finally found some time to blog. Okay, that's a big lie. I'm just lazy. So this will be one big fun post with everything of some importance that has happened since I last wrote. If you're in a rush... Well, see below. Otherwise, this will be an interesting post.

- I went Christmas shopping at the mall with a bunch of the girls in my youth group
- I had a bunch of friends over during Christmas break! It was AWESOME!!!
- I got some pretty amazing Christmas presents! A big thank you to all of my family and friends!!
- I went to a small New Years party with a few of my friends last night! It was fun!!

So yeah, that's about it. I'll go into more detail further on, but that's a pretty good summary of it!

Christmas Shopping

So it's kind of a tradition in my youth group that all of the girls go Christmas shopping every year. This year was no different. Altogether, there were five of us (plus two adults): Emily, Libby, Nina, Brittany, and me. We went to the big bad mall nearby, which proved to be quite the experience. It was two weeks before Christmas, so the traffic wasn't bad, but Nina is a bit of a shopaholic. Emily and I, on the other hand, don't fequent malls. Libby's somewhere in the middle. Anyways, Nina basically dragged us into some really pointless stores just so that she could buy her own Christmas presents. Long story. Note to self: lock Nina in closet next time we go shopping.

For lunch, we ate at Subway. We had a coupon for three footlongs for $15 or something like that so we split into groups of two. Poor Subway workers, we probably confused them soooo much! But it turned out good, and most of us got all of our shopping done.

Click the jump for more.


Since I was doing nothing over Christmas break, I decided to have some of my best friends over! Yay!

Monday- Libby came over for the day! We hung out in my room and talked mostly. She likes to draw, and I like to try (and then fail...), so we sorta talked and drew and just had fun! I love being around her and she always makes me smile! Thanks Libby for an amazing time!!

Tuesday- Emily came to hang out. We played Kirby's Epic Yarn on the Wii, made CUPCAKES (!!) and played outside. I did fall off my scooter at one point, which was a bit painful, but that's the only calamaty that happened that day. I had an AWESOME time with you, Em! Thanks for making cupcakes with me!

Thursday- Jess and I hung out all day! We talked about Winter Camp and how neither of us had anyone to go with so far (now she does but I don't... yet). Then we went outside and threw the football with my younger brother and did a few other things that I can't remember. Oh well. Thanks Jess for the great Christmas present and coming over to hang out!!

Christmas Day

So for Christmas, I got (in no specific order): an iHome, a big magnetic whiteboard, colored pencils, an electric pencil sharpener, Pokemon Adventures books, a sketchbook, duct tape, notebooks, candy, a HUGE picture collage with 41 places to put photos, some iTunes cards, colorful sharpies, dry-erase stickers, and a hat. Thanks to everyone for making Christmas special!!

New Year's Eve

Umm, I'll write this later...

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