Welcome to My World. Most of the stuff that happens here is pretty weird. Just a bunch of nonsense that comes out of the mind of a teenager with way too much time on her hands. So enjoy reading about video games, music, books, and other stuff that probably won't make any sense whatsoever.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Shiny Pokemon
I was wondering what the chance of a Shiny Pokemon was in generation IV (Diamond, pearl, platinum, HG, SS) so online I found the answer: about 1 in 8192. Considering I have TWO CAUGHT (event shiny pichu doesn't count) shiny pokemon, I'm pretty lucky (also considering My pokemon got Pokerus the same day I caught a shiny chingling. I found it here and if you're too lazy to go there, here's some tips I found there: Using the pokeradar raises the chance ever so slightly, and using this "Masuda Method" you might get shiny pokemon in eggs to like 1 in 2048 . So thats it.
video games
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Well take a quick glance to the right and you'll see a poll. The explanation is that me and a few friends were talking and one said that he didn't like the Wii and said that the NES, N64, and GC were the best. The other friend disagreed. So just for fun I made a poll.
SoulSilver came out! FINALLY! Oh, and the reason I haven't blogged about it yet is because I've BEEN TOO BUSY PLAYING IT! Yeah I'm already at the 4th (out of say, 16) gym leader (It's noy MY fault they're so close together) and soo yeah. I'm gonna take some pictures so you can see them sooooo yeah. I have the Box art, the pokewalker, title screen, and the game card. I made it a photostory because I have alot of pics and the music fits right in (Its "Beleive in me" on of the Johto theme songs) I lost my figurine but I would've taken I pic of it if I had it.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Can't Crash
It's about 4:30 AM right now and my bro had three of his weird friend sleep over. Patrick, Tyler M. , and Tyler R. They're all good friends of mine as well, so I stayed up with them until now, where all four of them (Paul, Patrick, Tyler M. , Tyler R.) are sleeping nearby. We were trying to pull an all-nighter and I'm the only one who hasn't fallen asleep yet. So here I am, lying on the floor with my Lenovo Laptop, blogging in a sleeping bag. How am I supposed to sleep anyway, with wind blowing the tarp on the AC at a gazillion miles an hour making a racket while I'm trying to sleep. Man, are they sleeping like logs. Tyler M. said he was gonna be the last one awake but I'm afraid not. I win again! (this is what he gets for poneing me in air hockey earlier)
Only a matter of HOURS till March fourteenth, 2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Only a matter of HOURS till March fourteenth, 2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
I'm stopping my streak on randome thoughts 1)Because I'm tired of it 2) Because I have somthing kinda un-randome to say (I mean It's randome, but it doesn't deserve a randome title because it's not really a thought or question, it really happened)
So enyway, Yesterday me, my friend Patrick and my friend Tyler owned two freak high-schoolers in dodgeball (note: not all high schoolers are freaks. the ones in my neighborhood are...) We played 4 games, winning 3 out of 4. They won once. It was fun.
Oh and by the way, I'm in 6th grade, Tyler's in 7th, and Patricks in 4th. FYI
So enyway, Yesterday me, my friend Patrick and my friend Tyler owned two freak high-schoolers in dodgeball (note: not all high schoolers are freaks. the ones in my neighborhood are...) We played 4 games, winning 3 out of 4. They won once. It was fun.
Oh and by the way, I'm in 6th grade, Tyler's in 7th, and Patricks in 4th. FYI
Monday, March 08, 2010
Even More Randomeness!
Have you ever seen the hershey commercial where the everything is made of chocolate? well theres one I saw while watching the Amazing Race last night, and a chocolate kid dives into a choclate ocean. How is that even possible? wouldn't they morph together?
5 days and so many hours till March fourteenth! YAY!
5 days and so many hours till March fourteenth! YAY!
Monday, March 01, 2010
More randomeness
Out of curiosity, why does the Super Mario Club test Pokemon games? Explanation please!
On the subject of Credits, in Pokemon Ranger (the first one) you can play with the credits at the end. Its really worth it. I'd play the game again if my next door neighbor hadn't gotten a hold of it somehow (anybody seen a Pokemon Sapphire! the Kyorge was caught with a Ultra Ball!)
video games
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