Suddenly, it's 10:45 on a Thursday night, and I have nothing written. Oops.
Anyway, I think the list kind of speaks for itself. I've compiled five fun facts about me that you most likely don't know. If you do, well, you're either a stalker, or you just know me really, really well. Anyway, here goes nothing!
1) I've injured myself in some pretty strange ways.
I mean, every time I've gone to the ER, it's for something completely abnormal. Here's a list:
- I cut my lip on some gravel
- I got a piece of a cornstalk stuck in the bottom of my foot
- I cut my forehead on my glasses
- I burned my hand on a toaster oven (although that one did not involve a trip to the hospital)
The time I cut my lip, I ended up getting two stitches (which fell out a few hours later). The cornstalk was just a small bit of it, but it managed to stick up through my sneaker and into my foot. The time I cut my forehead on my glasses is an interesting story. My friend and I collided while we were playing a game, and the frame of my glasses cut my forhead right above my eyelid. My friend was okay though, fortunately. And the toaster? Well, I reached into the back of the toaster to get something, and the back of my hand hit one of the burners. It hurt a lot.
2) I've always wanted to get my hair cut really, really short.
Like a pixie haircut, if you're familliar with the term. I've always thought really short hair was really cute, and for a long time I've wanted to get my hair cut really short. I never have though, I guess because it would be such a huge change. If I do ever decide to cut it though, I think I'm going to donate it to Locks of Love or another organizatioin like that.
3) I had a rock collection when I was a kid.
I kept it in a jewelry box with three drawers. The top one had some cheap, plastic "rocks" that were really supposed to be used for crafts, the middle one had some more everyday rocks that I thought were interesting, and the bottom one had some really smooth, polished rocks that I had gotten from gift shops. I think the collection started when my dad gave me some rocks he called "Tiger's Eye" or something like that. I'm not sure where he got them, but I remember that I really loved them and I loved to look at them a lot.
4) I fidget with stuff when I'm bored, nervous, or uncomfortable.
Okay, if you've seen me in person, you might know this already. Usually I play with my keys or my iPod, though sometimes I'll also tap my fingers or my feet or do something. I don't actually know why I do it, I guess it's just kind of a distraction for me.
5) I once read an entire book in an hour.
It wasn't like a whole hour, no breaks or anything though. The story goes like this: the book club in my school was reading the novel Frindle by Andrew Clements. Really, it was a bit young for me at the time, but it was such a good book and I encourage you to read it! Anyway, I picked up the book, which looked really thin to me, and my mom said that she bet I could read it in an hour. I set a stopwatch on my iPod, and it would count up during the time I read the book. If I took a break, I'd simply pause the timer. I did end up reading it in under an hour though, a feat I was very proud of at the time.
So there are five interesting things about me! See you next week!
Welcome to My World. Most of the stuff that happens here is pretty weird. Just a bunch of nonsense that comes out of the mind of a teenager with way too much time on her hands. So enjoy reading about video games, music, books, and other stuff that probably won't make any sense whatsoever.
Friday, February 28, 2014
Friday, February 14, 2014
Valentine's Day Songs for the Single and the Not-Single
(Okay, I didn't know what I was supposed to say there. Honestly, "Not-Single" was the best I could think of)
Ladies and gentleman, it is that time of year again! The time when flower and chocolate sales go up really high, when everything thing turns pink, and when you can't turn around without seeing something heart-shaped. Yes, I'm talking about Valentine's Day, a holiday with the sole purose of celebrating love.
Alright, full disclosure - I've never really cared for Valentine's Day. And before you write me off as a bitter teenage girl, let me explain. Usually, I just kinda saw it as an excuse to get free candy from V-Day card exchanges with my friends (of course, most of it was just bland lollipops and Fun Dip). I'm kind of too old for that now though, so this lovely holiday (pun not intended) has become pretty useless to me.
Also, I can't stand people who write stuff like "Happy Singles Day. #foreveralone"
Anyways, the point of this post was not to talk about Valentine's Day and what I think about it. The point is, I've compiled a list of songs for you to listen to this Valentine's Day, whether you're single, married, in a relationship, whatever. I'm compiled this list from my own resources (like the CD rack next to my computer).
And, as a fair warning, there are duplicate artists (for example, Flyleaf shows up once on both lists).
Click the jump to see the list!
Alright, full disclosure - I've never really cared for Valentine's Day. And before you write me off as a bitter teenage girl, let me explain. Usually, I just kinda saw it as an excuse to get free candy from V-Day card exchanges with my friends (of course, most of it was just bland lollipops and Fun Dip). I'm kind of too old for that now though, so this lovely holiday (pun not intended) has become pretty useless to me.
Also, I can't stand people who write stuff like "Happy Singles Day. #foreveralone"
Anyways, the point of this post was not to talk about Valentine's Day and what I think about it. The point is, I've compiled a list of songs for you to listen to this Valentine's Day, whether you're single, married, in a relationship, whatever. I'm compiled this list from my own resources (like the CD rack next to my computer).
And, as a fair warning, there are duplicate artists (for example, Flyleaf shows up once on both lists).
Click the jump to see the list!
FM Static,
Lacey Sturm,
Trevor McNevan,
valentines day
Friday, February 07, 2014
Being Cyberschooled, Part 2
I'm back! In case you missed last Friday's post, I talked about the pros of being cyberschooled. This week, I've got the cons of cyberschooling. Are you ready? Actually, the bigger question is if I'm ready. Seriously. The School Loyalty Police might hunt me down if they read this.
Okay, not really, but let's just be honest with each other here. Every form of schooling has its drawbacks. Whether you're homeschooled, cyberschooled, or go to a public or private school, there are going to be some good parts and bad parts. Some forms work better for some people.
Anyway, that's all to say that just because I'm talking about the cons of cyberschooling, it doesn't mean I hate the system. Although it isn't perfect, it's something that works well for me, and I enjoy it. Although, between you and me, sometimes I wonder how I'd handle going to "real school." I'd probably get in trouble. A lot.
With that out of the way, the three major drawbacks of cyberschooling are after the jump!
Okay, not really, but let's just be honest with each other here. Every form of schooling has its drawbacks. Whether you're homeschooled, cyberschooled, or go to a public or private school, there are going to be some good parts and bad parts. Some forms work better for some people.
Anyway, that's all to say that just because I'm talking about the cons of cyberschooling, it doesn't mean I hate the system. Although it isn't perfect, it's something that works well for me, and I enjoy it. Although, between you and me, sometimes I wonder how I'd handle going to "real school." I'd probably get in trouble. A lot.
With that out of the way, the three major drawbacks of cyberschooling are after the jump!
Wednesday, February 05, 2014
Creative Wednesday: Katelynne

This week, I have some poems written by my friend Katelynne, who goes to my school. I only have two to share right here, but she's an amazing writer, so you should check her out on DeviantArt too. She has a lot more poetry on there, and I encourage you to go read some of it!
So here are the poems, and I hope you enjoy!
Close your eyes
By Katelynne
baby just close your eyes
and turn away the world is burning and there's no need for you to see just close your eyes build up your walls the world is burning and there's nothing you can do so just close your eyes turn out the lights the world is burning and if you don't see it maybe it'll all go away open your eyes look around the world is still burning closing your eyes can only hide so many lies |
Sticks and Stones
By Katelynne
Don't tell me sticks and stones
hurt more than words ever will.
Don't tell me a broken bone
hurts more than a broken heart.
I've heard it all before
don't want to hear it again
Because it's wrong.
Sticks and stones are just
sticks and stones
but words are knives, bullets,
The only difference is
you can't see the damage
on the inside.
Can you see the Band-Aids on my heart?
Put a cast on your broken leg,
wait for it to heal.
But put a cast on your broken heart,
try to hide your brokenness
from the world.
You can't heal a broken heart.
If someone breaks,
and no one around chooses to hear,
do they make a sound?
Or are they drowned out
by the sound of life around them?
Are they dismissed as background noise
by the very people who
say that they care?
Can you hear the sound of hearts breaking?
Open your eyes
take the plugs out of
your ears.
And choose to see
the broken hearts all
around you.
So there you have it! Remember to check out Katelynne's DeviantArt page, and I'll be back again on Friday!
creative wednesday,
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