I'm sick, sick, SICK of all the people whining about Flyleaf. So yes, I'm going to rant a bit. Okay guys, this is kind of my opinion: If you are really, truly, a fan of a band (say that three times fast), you'd like them despite lineup changes. Does this seem logical, or am I just crazy? Yeah, it's okay to be upset for a little bit, but seriously, after nearly two months, I think it's time to move on. We're all going to miss Lacey Sturm as Flyleaf's lead singer. But come on, do you really have to insult Kristen and post hateful comments on every Flyleaf video and Facebook post? Especially the ones who say that they're no longer going to listen to the band. They claim to have been huge fans of Flyleaf, but they completely turn their back when Lacey leaves.

Rant. Over.
You may now continue with your normal lives. Oh yes, and all of the pictures in this post belong to Flyleaf, not me.