Saturday, February 19, 2011


Okay, so this weekend my younger brother has been sick with the flu. I'm not though, don't worry. Anyway, since he can't go outside or do anything, my mom rented The Karate Kid from RedBox. So, kinda like I did with Tron: Legacy, I'm gonna rate it. Just because nothing else exciting has happened recently. Oh, it has been very windy out here recently, and my friend lost power for a few hours.

So now for the reveiw. Basicly, this boy named Dre (weird name) has lived in Detroit with his Mom all his life (his dad died). At the beginning of the movie, he is moving to China because his mom got transfered. At the school he goes to in China, he gets in a fight with with this kid whos like a freerunner/ninja and gets owned. So then this guy whos the maintence dude (Mr. Han, I think) teaches Dre kung-fu (for some reason this movie is called KARATE Kid, but it has to do with kung-fu). I can't tell you anymore, or I'll spoil it. So anyway, good movie. A few swear words, but nothing too serious. Also, VERY violent. No blood, but a lot of punching and kicking and a of that lovely stuff. So, now for the moment of truth...
4.5/5 stars