Welcome to My World. Most of the stuff that happens here is pretty weird. Just a bunch of nonsense that comes out of the mind of a teenager with way too much time on her hands. So enjoy reading about video games, music, books, and other stuff that probably won't make any sense whatsoever.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Videos 2 watch
Super Mario Sunshine "Muisic Video" - This game never gets old
Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia - Oh, I can't wait 'till November!
My Pokemon Ranch- this is why i need Wii pts.
Pokemon Ranger

I beat Pokemon ranger a few days ago.......and all the ranger net missions too. BUT I figured out a few tips for the capture arena, marine Challenge, and safari challenge. Here they are;
Capture Arena
-draw more circles around the Pokemon then you need to; it gives you more time.
Marine Challenge
2 Goldeen=Seakings
2 Seakings=Wailmers
2 Horsea= Kingdra
Safari Challenge
2 Spoink= Rapidash
2 Abra=Slowpoke
2 Kirlia= Gardvador (however you spell it)
2 Torchic= Combuskins
2 Combuskins = Arcanine
PLUS- if you go straight south from the entrance, i think you can get a Dodrio.
Sunday, September 21, 2008