Friday, March 30, 2012

Trademark Nonsense

This afternoon, I logged onto to look up a word (no kidding) and this article caught my eye. According to it, Facebook has trademarked the word "book", which essentially means that you cannot use it without Facebook's permission. My first reaction: "WhatTheHeck?!" Seriously, you look at this and think, wait a sec, so if I say, "I read Savvy for lit club; it ws a good book," could Facebook sue me? I mean, really, if they can do this, could companies trademark words like "the"? It just seems really, really, really stupid to me, that's all. Therefore, it deserved my strange opinion.


Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Yeah, nothing much has happened lately. So that's why I haven't posted much.
It's not like there's any point to it anyway. I'm just talking to myself.
I had wrote a "romancy story" for writing group in February. You can read it here if you really, really want to.
I also made a glog for one of my characters Again, you can look at it here if you really, really want to.

Seriously, is anyone out there? Anyone?
Yeah, that's what I thought.