Sunday, December 11, 2011

Slow News Day

"Apparently the day after the VGAs is bad for video game news! Lol!" -Spartan186 H

Like the quote above states, today is seemingly a slow news day over at Last night was some important VGA thing, and I'm guess that stands for the Video Game Awards. Anyways, GameInformer journalist Jeff Cork decided to write us a great breaking news story...

Breaking: Miyamoto Sat On Life-Sized Mario Kart Kart

I'm not quite sure whether to believe this or not, but either way, it made me laugh. Enjoy it :)

Friday, December 02, 2011

Well, in checking my daily news feeds on Yahoo!, I found this rather interesting (and funny) blog arcticle on

Five Questions a Non-Gamer Should Never Ask a Gamer

The blogger, Jack, The Quixotic Gamer, lists five FAQ's that non-gamers (people who don't play video games, if you were confused) should NEVER, EVER, EVER, ask gamers (people who DO play video games)

My personal favorite: "Are you shooting those people?"
Part of the answer: "In fact, I am not shooting anything. I am pressing a button, on a plastic controller, that causes a virtual avatar to pull a non-existent trigger, firing a fictional bullet which then hits an illusion in the form of a human being."