Saturday, July 23, 2011


A few weeks ago at this place called Camp LCTI (not telling YOU what it means!) I took a "commercial baking" class, among other things. One day, we decorated cupcakes. They were delicous.

Moving right along, my mom was having some friends over for breakfast today. I asked her if I could make cupcakes for everyone. I did. They were delicous. Anyway, I decorated them with those frosting bag thingys, except we ran out so I had to use ziploc bags. But I used the real tips and everything. Anyway, here are some of the cupcakes I made. Click "More nonsense" to see them.

Also, I had VBS this past week! Woo-hoo!  We played games, did crafts, learned Bible stories, it was fun! Oh yeah, and Pinky the Octopus came. Please dont ask. Look at pics here.

Well, anyway, done blogging. I might not be blogging for a while because my computer is going to blow up any day now. Oh well.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

More Videos

My awesome Yahoo! News feed has brought me to yet another....strange video made by people with too much time on their hands. Enjoy.
Link to the Past with a Portal Gun

My personal favorite is the last one. Cucco Revenge Squad FTW!

Fixed links (no pun intended)

If you are trying to view "Patrick Gets Surgery" the link is broken because of a bunch of shenanigans that I don't feel like explaining. In other words, that link no longer works, but the one below will.

Patrick gets Surgery

Also, I've been trying to get my two other...interesting videos on YouTube so that my friend can watch them on his phone. "How to throw a lightsaber" is now viewable if you have an iPhone or android or something like that.

How to throw a Lightsaber

The only video I couldn't upload was "The Greatest Guitar battle ever!" because YouTube (being mean and all that) says I have to get permission to upload that or otherwise ALL of the audio is removed. I hate YouTube. However, you can still view the video on my blog.
The Greatest Guitar Battle Ever!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

More Blogging 'cuz I'm bored!

News & Updates

Watched this the other day and never got to post about it...amazingly funny...

Went to a yard sale yesterday and got a FREE Sega Genesis game. I could proably sell it for some good money, except it's some silly power rangers game. Seriously, who buys that stuff?

4th of July

Epic fail!!!! Forgot to post this on July 4th!