A few weeks ago at this place called Camp LCTI (not telling YOU what it means!) I took a "commercial baking" class, among other things. One day, we decorated cupcakes. They were delicous.
Moving right along, my mom was having some friends over for breakfast today. I asked her if I could make cupcakes for everyone. I did. They were delicous. Anyway, I decorated them with those frosting bag thingys, except we ran out so I had to use ziploc bags. But I used the real tips and everything. Anyway, here are some of the cupcakes I made. Click "More nonsense" to see them.
Also, I had VBS this past week! Woo-hoo! We played games, did crafts, learned Bible stories, it was fun! Oh yeah, and Pinky the Octopus came. Please dont ask. Look at pics here.
Well, anyway, done blogging. I might not be blogging for a while because my computer is going to blow up any day now. Oh well.